
The Emotional Bookmark

The Emotional Bookmark

A bookmark that helps kids become more emotionally aware as they read

Happy, sad, and mad aren’t our only emotions!


The Emotional Bookmark


Black & White
(for children to colour)

How did you hear of us?

  • Shipping is +$1.50 CDN worldwide. For large orders, please contact us for a delivery quote.
  • A portion of all sales will be donated to children’s charities Kids Help Phone to support the mental health of young people in Canada and Compassion Canada to provide COVID-19 relief to children in the most vulnerable nations around the world ♥

Psychologists say

Celebrated family therapist John Gottman, Ph.D., of the Gottman Institue, writes in Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child that children whose parents encourage emotional awareness

  • have better physical health and score higher academically
  • get along better with friends, have fewer behaviour problems, and are less prone to acts of violence
  • experience fewer negative feelings and more positive feelings

Furthermore, Dr. Gottman suggests that helping our children develop a higher level of emotional intelligence through building stronger emotional bonds with them can help protect them from a wide variety of maladies such as antisocial behaviour, drug addiction, depression, and family strife.

The team

Designed and delivered by three children who want to help other children with their feelings during the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read the story of the business creation on their Father’s entrepreneurship and family/adventure travel blog.


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